Ashlee Carlile
Executive Director of Sterling Court
Ashlee Carlile is the Executive Director at Sterling Court Assisted Living. Ashlee has been working in health care for the last 20 years. She became interested in health care after spending day after day in a long-term care facility making sure her grandfather was taken care of. Ashlee started as a certified nursing assistant in 2003 in the same home her grandfather lived in.
She worked her way through different departments and eventually became the office manager where she saw more of the administrative side of the work. This is when she knew she needed to go back to school and get her bachelor’s in health care administration with an emphasis on long-term care.
She knew she needed to become a voice for residents and their families. After graduating with her bachelor’s Ashlee moved to Southern Utah to be closer to her family, where she became the administrator of an assisted living facility in Cedar City Utah for eight years. Ashlee is now extremely happy and excited to be the Executive Director at Sterling Court Assisted Living.